The best web accessibility tools for developers in 2021
The quality of the tools you use defines the speed with which you can diagnose and resolve problems.
Each year the landscape changes dramatically in web technologies, and of late the tooling for accessibility is no exception. I’ve divided this article into 4 categories - resources, development tools, continuous integration and screen readers.
These are the pages that I keep bookmarked for reference and to learn new techniques.
- Mozilla Accessibility Docs
- W3C WCAG Guidelines
- Smashing Magazine - Accessibility
- CSS Tricks - Accessibility
There are a number of great accessibility blogs on the web which I suggest browsing - a good jumping off point is available at Digital A11y.
Development tools
- axe - axe has quickly become the defacto standard for automated accessibility testing. Deque's axe-core testing engine provides the under the hood implementation for most common tools, and they also provide a free Chrome extension that quickly identifies any in page errors for most common issues while providing guidance on how to resolve them. Definitely my first port of call when testing any new code.
- pa11y - pa11y is an automated testing tool based on axe-core that can be run on your development environment as part of your commit hooks or front-end build pipeline. It's extremely configurable so you can run automated tests for different accessibility standards and viewports, ignoring specific WCAG rule sets as well as triggering actions on pages as a part of your test suite. @f3igao's wonderful blog post, How to automate web accessibility testing is a great starting off point if you are looking to fully integrate pa11y with your front-end build.
- DomainAccessibilityAudit - I found this tool while researching ways to test an entire website for a11y issues and this was a perfect fit. You can feed it a root URL to start testing on and it will scrape all links on all subsequent pages and perform an audit, essentially crawling the entire site and producing a report of a11y issues. You can also input a sitemap.xml if you want to test a specific set of pages instead of crawling the entire site
- Accessibility insights for web - Microsoft's commitment to accessible technologies shines with their free Chrome extension and provides another useful interface to the axe-core framework.
- Siteimprove Accessibility Checker - The Siteimprove browser extension provides one of the most comprehensive interfaces to resolving issues with detailed recommendations on how to fix them. Highly recommended to keep in your toolbox.
- Lighthouse - Don't have time or access to install software to run a quick a11y check? Lighthouse comes built in with Chrome DevTools and provides a fast, easy to understand issue checker that integrates perfectly with the Chrome browser. It also offers other suggestions in terms of improving page performance, server configuration and insights into using progressive web applications.
Continuous integration
Catching issues before they are in production is one of the major benefits of adding accessibility tooling to your CI pipeline. Recently there has been huge progress in the ease of integration and reporting in this space, which I expect will continue to improve over the next year.
- pa11y-ci - A set of command line tools for pa11y, pa11y-ci gives you the opportunity to run your suite of pa11y tests on your CI server.
- lighthouse-ci - If you're looking to run a comprehensive set of tests in your CI environment, lighthouse-ci brings all the power of Google's Lighthouse app to the table. In addition to accessibility checks, lighthouse-ci will report on your app's performance, SEO and best practices in one of the most polished standalone reports available.
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