Dynamically Securing Databases using Hashicorp Vault
Database defined
Nowadays, it’s hard to profoundly talk about security in the IT industry, since it has to be considered on so many different levels: from securing code chunks, securing containers, up to securing complex infrastructures and defining strong authorization and authentication policies across the enterprise.
Vault is a tool that let you store secrets, any kind of secret that your company requires to be secured, and also lets you generate them dynamically.
General Context
I will explain this with one simple example: let’s suppose that you have to secure a data mart, which contains some databases that are accessed by different microservices, each microservice has access to its own database and also could be scaled up and down dynamically according to the demand. New microservices are deployed every time the number of instances are increased and each instance needs to be provided with the proper configuration.
One important part of the configuration is the database credentials that usually are static values for all instances of the microservice. So there’s not much science in the typical ways that are commonly used to provide the credentials and secrets to each microservice at deployment time:
- Could be provided as environment variables either plain text or encrypted.
- Could be provided on a config file on each instance
- Could be provided as configmaps or a secret assuming you handle your orchestration over a Kubernetes environment.
I could mention some other examples, but handling your database secrets are always kind of a manual process; Think for a while what if for some reason you have to change the user and password of your databases because they were compromised? How about meeting compliance requirements for rotating passwords every 90 days for example? What are the implications of changing the credentials?
This simple scenario of securing databases could be extended to some other areas like ssh keys, certificates, tokens, identities, credentials, encryption as service, etc.
If you manage all those in a centralized vault ecosystem, you can take prompt actions without disrupting your operation. You can have all your systems authenticating by themselves without human interaction, that’s the goal of a good implementation of DevSecOps.
So, going back to our database example, you can have all your microservices requesting credentials to vault who dynamically create them for each instance of microservice every time it is deployed, and rotate/revoke them over a well-defined security policy. The following diagram shows how vault implements this:
Before they can start requesting dynamic credentials to the database, each microservice should be authenticated against an internal or external system. Authentication is the process by which each microservice is verified and an identity is assigned to it. Multiple authentication methods are supported.
Once the microservice has been verified, it has to account for access control and permissions associated with such an identity, that’s called authorization. Vault handles authorization by the definition of policies in Vault which control what a user or microservice, in this case, can access. For example:
In order to set this up in a running environment, you have to follow the next simple steps:
- From the vault side: The admin user has to get authenticated against Vault, then he should enable the database secret and configure the postgres plugin, that requires to create a Role that creates dynamic credentials.
- From the application side: The application should be provided with a valid Token in order to get authenticated, then, through the API it can dynamically request postgres credentials as shown in the following diagram :

This is a basic usecase for how Vault can be used for dynamically securing databases, among other much things, in order to provide a more secure deployment of your microservices and databases.
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